Category: Investigate

Under 8LocalConnect with peopleIdentify issuesADVICEInvestigate

Play Tales: Co-creating stories of childhood nature play in an urban forest school in London, England.


By Hannah, Wonderboy, Fairy, Miss Daisy, Tinkerbell, Zak, Fatima, Donut and Stickman. INSERT VIDEO This article is a collaborative exploration of play in a London forest …

Prepare and planConnect with peopleLiving with ViolenceInvestigateADVICETake actionThe UK

Participation is protection


This is advice about how safely work with young people in collaborative research related to sexual violence. Team E – Participation for Protection Accessible Version   …

Prepare and planADVICEInvestigate

A Snapshot of Children’s Voices for Change


This is advice about research with and by young people who have experience of family violence. Team F – Children’s Voices for Change Read the full …

Prepare and planConnect with peopleInvestigateADVICE

Creating ownership: Strengths and tensions in co-production with children, young people, and adults across contexts 


Young people and adults working together creates a space for tackling social problems. Working together (or co-production) helps us to design research and/or activities that are …

Prepare and planADVICEInvestigate

Applying co-production principles in research: Reflections from young people and academics


This is advice on how to use co-production principles in collaborative research. Team C – AccessibleSummary Read the full article here MacLachlan, A., Pemmasani, P., Jamieson-Mackenzie, I., …

EnglandConnect with peopleADVICEInvestigate15-1818-25Asylum seeker, Refugee or Migration

Reflecting on participation’s promises: Insights from collaborative research about unaccompanied child migrants, care, and the UK’s hostile immigration regime


By Aisha, Arjana, Gulli, Mirfat, Abdullayeva, M., Zak, & Rachel  In this article, co-researchers from the Children Caring on the Move project critically reflect on our …

Care ExperiencedUnder 8Prepare and plan8-12Connect with people13-15Identify issuesInvestigateRoma or TravellerEuropeanADVICE15-18Take action18-25Follow up actionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationReview and share

The Reaching In Approach


A briefing note about collaborative commissioning and shared leadership of inclusive, impactful and sustainable participatory processes 

EnglandNationalLiving with ViolenceWales13-1515-18Investigate18-25Take action

Collaborative Analysis


This is advice on how to analyse your research data. It was cocreated with PAC


When Listening is Hard


Are you doing research with other young people and finding that at times you have to listen to difficult things? Take a look at three steks …

EnglandPrepare and planNationalWalesLiving with ViolenceADVICEInvestigateTake actionFollow up action

Maximising Credibility


This is advice on how to make sure your research can tell convincing stories. It was cocreated with PAC