What did we do

We trained young people in Japan as researchers. They did art activities and interviews with other disabled children and young people. We analysed the findings together. We compared the way Japan and the UK are with children’s participation and rights for people with disabilities. We reported to the UN Committee.

The place is called:

Japan and the UK





What do you suggest other people try out?

Look into the culture and life more before you start.

Tell us your advice on doing participation activities –
what worked well, what you enjoy, what is inclusive?

It worked really well that young people connected to other young people and that we taught the Japanese young people how to do research and to condense the findings. It was good doing our own interviews.
In the first meeting it was good because we learned a lot more life and culture in Japan.

  • ucmc2

    Tell us what you found out - what were people's experiences, views or ideas for change?

    Travel in Japan is a big deal. The anxiety of travelling and having to change trains and discriminatory attitudes. Some children did a lot of afterschool work in Japan. So, as well as school, they had another curriculum. Some children felt left behind in school because they did not have enough support.

    What are your recommendations or calls to action?

    Disabled young people in Japan wanted to learn about participation so that they could do the same work as us. They wanted more teachers in school who understood about disabilities. Read more about what we did here
  • ucmc2

    Click here for the report

    What was the impact?

    We showed young people how we worked. This enabled them to highlight the areas that would be good to research in Japan. We asked the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to recommend that the Japanese government make some changes. The UN Committee made recommendations that supported our recommendations.

    What do you want other people to do to help?

    Support the change to continue. It will take time.

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