Category: EVIDENCE

Health and WellbeingEVIDENCERoma or TravellerEuropeParticipation for Change

Youth led campaigns in Bulgaria


What did you find out? The results of a large-scale comparative study conducted among young people in Bulgaria (mainstream and Roma youth) show that difficulties accessing …

Care SystemCare ExperiencedEVIDENCE8-1213-15Education15-1818-25Asylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerParticipation for Change

From Voice to Action


What did you do? We promoted assemblies for children and youth in foster homes, addressing their perceptions about the Foster Care System, school, and their emotions. …

Care ExperiencedEVIDENCELiving in Poverty13-1515-18Roma or TravellerEuropeParticipation for Change

Participative group with children in alternative care


What did we do? The aim of our project was to give voice, space, mentoring to children in alternative care and to engage them in active …

EnglandWalesADVICE15-18Take action18-25Safe Environment

Aiming for change


We have been learning from PAC projects. Peer Researchers and their partner organisations have told us about different ways that young can aim to achieve change, …

Health and WellbeingSupport NetworkSafe EnvironmentParticipation for ChangeEquality



What did we do

Our YPAR collective work in Colombia and Uganda aims to reach social justice goals through youth-driven and community-driven research with communities affected by state violence.




EnglandNational8-1213-15Roma or TravellerEducationEquality

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What did you find out? We discovered a collection of BBC Radio documentaries all about Gypsy & traveller people. They were made in the 1960’s and …

EnglandNational13-15Education15-18Roma or TravellerEquality

Roads from the Past GRT Animation project


What did you find out? We found out that Gypsy Roma and Traveller History is not taught in schools and GRT History month is not celebrated. …

Health and WellbeingEnglandRoma or TravellerSupport Network18-25Participation for ChangeEquality

Traveller Times Talks Vlogging


What did you find out? We found out young Gypsies and Travellers felt overwhelmed with negative comments on the internet – from negative racist comments to …

Health and WellbeingEngland8-12Regional13-15EducationRoma or TravellerParticipation for ChangeEquality

Youth Travellers Times Arts Award project


What did you find out? We worked with young Gypsies and Travellers from a site in North Worcestershire. The young people were being educated at home …

Health and WellbeingNational8-1213-15Independence15-18Roma or TravellerEducation18-25The UKParticipation for ChangeEqualityLeisure

Youth Travellers’ Times


Young people helped create a youth media output