Category: Health and Wellbeing

Health and WellbeingLocal8-1213-1515-18Education18-25Over 25Participation for ChangeOther

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




Health and Wellbeing15-18International18-25Over 25

YouCreate toolkit – Participatory arts-based action research for well-being and social change


What did we do

YouCreate is an initiative of Terre des hommes, and was designed and carried out in partnership with the International Institute for Child Rights and Development.

YouCreate is a PAR Project aimed to train youth leaders, with the support of Adult Allies and the ‘Art-kit’ (training manual), to lead their peers in implementing participatory arts-based research projects and ‘Art Actions’ – arts-based activities designed to address issues of significance to youth in their community.

Youth are trained to map and explore significant community issues and challenges and to collaboratively select challenges to address in their communities through design and implementation of ‘Art Actions’.

YouCreate Art-kit: The Art-kit is a guide that youth leaders can use for planning and leading activities and provides tips and tricks for supporting youthleaders work.

YouCreate Project Management Guide: designed to help project staff to understand the YouCreate project and how they can support youth and colleagues to develop a strong project.

YouCreate Capitalization Report: This report provides important background information on the current state of arts-based programming for young people impacted by migration and adversity worldwide.

Access here:

The place is called:

YouCreate has been carried out in Iraq and Egypt and is expanding to other countries and regions (Ukraine & Greece).




Health and WellbeingNational8-1213-1515-18

A Passage to Malta – The Health and Wellbeing of Foreign Children in Malta


What did we do

A National research study was carried out amongst foreign children in Malta so as to assess their health and wellbeing. The study also assessed the attitudes of Maltese students towards foreign children.

Contact: Suzanne Garcia Imbernon, Office of the Commissioner for Children Malta (

The place is called:

Malta and Gozo




Health and WellbeingLocalNational13-15Black, Asian or Minority EthnicDisabled

Rights 4U live-in


What did we do

Every summer the Office of the Commissioner for children organises a three-day live-in for young people between the ages of 13 and 15 entitled Rights 4U. Through these three-day live-ins, young people participate in various activities. The aim of these programmes is to create more awareness about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how it applies to the use of the new digital technologies. These participants come from different State, Church and Independent Schools.

This interactive programme addresses various issues such as online privacy, cyber-bullying, hate speech and creating an online/offline balance.Throughout the three days, the participants will also develop critical thinking skills and build social ties based on mutual respect.

Contact: Suzanne Garcia Imbernon, Office of the Commissioner for Children, Malta (

The place is called:

Malta and Gozo




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This initiative is promoted in all schools and therefore all children are encouraged to apply. However the Office specifically encourages children living in vulnerable situations to participate.

Under 8Health and WellbeingCare ExperiencedNational8-12Money for Essentials13-15Independence15-18EducationSupport NetworkBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicSafe EnvironmentParticipation for ChangeDisabledEqualityLGBTQILeisure

Creating Our Lives


What did we do

Care experienced children worked with The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation and directed research that informed national guidelines

The place is called:





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young parents

Health and WellbeingLiving in PovertyNational8-1213-15

Health Inequalities: Peer Research into the role of communities


What did we do

We worked with 15 young peer researchers in two areas of high deprivation to explore how the areas that they grow up in affect health and wellbeing and contribute to health inequalities.
The young peer researchers designed their research project, collected data and analysed their findings. We then published a final report detailing their work with a series of recommendations for local and national decision makers.

The place is called:

Glasgow and Dundee




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Some members of the project identified as having additional support needs

Health and WellbeingCare ExperiencedNational8-12RegionalSupport NetworkSafe Environment

Changing Gears


What did we do

In 2020 Children in Scotland was asked by Cycling Scotland to explore children and young people’s views and perceptions of cycling and road safety. The project, called Changing Gears, offered 300 children and young people the chance to share their thoughts and experiences and shape future decisions about cycling across Scotland.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:





Health and WellbeingNational8-12Regional13-1515-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicSafe EnvironmentDisabledLGBTQI

Children and Young People’s Panel on Europe


What did we do

Children in Scotland worked in partnership with Together (the Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) to support the engagement of children and young people in decision making about Britain’s exit from the EU.
We supported a group of 19 children and young people aged 8 – 19 to share their views and come up with recommendations for what they wanted to happen as the UK left the EU.

Contact: Chris Ross, Children in Scotland

Report launch video –

The place is called:

Across Scotland




Health and WellbeingCare Experienced8-12Money for EssentialsLiving in Poverty13-15IndependenceLiving with Violence15-18EducationInternational18-25Support NetworkOver 25Safe EnvironmentYoung CarerDisabledParticipation for ChangeEqualityLeisureLGBTQI



What did we do

We trained young people in Japan as researchers. They did art activities and interviews with other disabled children and young people. We analysed the findings together. We compared the way Japan and the UK are with children’s participation and rights for people with disabilities. We reported to the UN Committee.

The place is called:

Japan and the UK




LocalHealth and Wellbeing15-18Education18-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicOver 25Safe EnvironmentParticipation for ChangeDisabled

Com’ON Cluj-Napoca ‘20


What did we do

We delivered the fourth edition of the participatory budgeting for youth in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, providing funding for community initiatives proposed by young people for the city in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing the power of decision towards young people about which proposals to receive funding and enabling the informal groups which received funding to implement their own initiatives.

Com’ON Cluj-Napoca website:
Facebook page:

Contact: András Farkas, PONT Group and the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca (

The place is called:

Cluj-Napoca, Romania




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community engagement, building intergenerational trust, developing the communities of the future