By Aisha, Arjana, Gulli, Mirfat, Abdullayeva, M., Zak, & Rachel
In this article, co-researchers from the Children Caring on the Move project critically reflect on our experiences of doing research together.
We talk about the benefits and challenges of participatory research. We consider an important aim of participatory research: to counter injustice and inequality.
We speak about key things that can help researchers meet these aims:.
- The project’s ‘nothing about us, without us’ motto.
- Making research a caring practice for participants and co-researchers. For example, we tried to listen patiently and take breaks when interviews became too intense.
- We tried to listen to each other respectfully to build a shared analysis, even when we didn’t agree about everything.
Read the full article here.
Aisha, Arjana, Gulli, Mirfat, Abdullayeva, M., Zak, & Rosen, R. (2024). Reflecting on participation’s promises: Insights from collaborative research about unaccompanied child migrants, care, and the UK’s hostile immigration regime. Childhood, 31(3), 278-292.