Category: Living in Poverty

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyIMPACT13-15Roma or TravellerBetter communityEuropean15-18Europe

Participative group with children in alternative care


What did you do to try to achieve change? We wanted to inform children about their rights through the Child Guarantee and to support them to …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedPrepare and planBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyConnect with people13-15IMPACTIdentify issuesBetter community15-18Roma or TravellerTake actionFollow up actionEurope

Participative group with children in alternative care


What advice would you give to other people running participatory projects with and for children? We would definitely encourage other organization that work with children from …

Care ExperiencedLiving in PovertyEVIDENCE13-1515-18Roma or TravellerEuropeParticipation for Change

Participative group with children in alternative care


What did we do? The aim of our project was to give voice, space, mentoring to children in alternative care and to engage them in active …

EnglandCare ExperiencedNational8-12Connect with peopleLiving in Poverty13-15Wales15-18ADVICERoma or TravellerInternational18-25Take actionBetter law or policyReview or inspectionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal Justice

Talking to Stakeholders


How to get your messages across to the people who may be able to help

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersPrepare and planLiving in PovertyIdentify issuesRegional13-1515-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeFollow up actionParticipation for Change

Children’s Rights Day 2021


Advice on children’s participation: The children involved are the main actors, meaning all the adults are the spectators. Within committees where parliamentarians are present, it is …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyRegional13-1515-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicReview or inspectionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEurope

Children’s Rights Day 2021


What impact did you want to achieve? The main goal was to have the parliamentarians listen to the young people. Therefore, professional moderators would guide the …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersHealth and WellbeingLiving in PovertyRegional13-1515-18EducationBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeThe EarthParticipation for ChangeEquality

Children’s Rights Day 2021


What did we do? 80 young people, divided into 6 different committees on various topics (selected by a group of youth advisors), worked together on drafting …

Health and WellbeingEnglandCare ExperiencedLocalConnect with peopleLiving in PovertyBetter awarenessNational13-15Living with Violence15-18EducationRoma or Traveller18-25Take actionBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicEuropeAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerParticipation for ChangeDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeEqualityLGBTQILeisure

Stories 2 Connect


Stories 2 Connect was a research project that we ran to find out people’s stories. We did lots of interviews with people. We added people’s stories together as fiction. And we made them come alive in a phygital way (in digital objects). See

LocalCare ExperiencedLiving in PovertyIMPACTIdentify issuesBetter service15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabled

Youth Innovation Project Lead


What did we do

I run a Youth Innnovation Project at Citizens Advice Redbridge, which aims to increase access to advice for young people (particularly those who are vulnerable) in Redbridge.

Contact: Imogen Edge, Citizens Advice Redbridge (

The place is called:





LocalCare ExperiencedLiving in Poverty15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerParticipation for ChangeDisabled

Youth Innovation Project Lead


What did we do

I run a Youth Innnovation Project at Citizens Advice Redbridge, which aims to increase access to advice for young people (particularly those who are vulnerable) in Redbridge.

Contact: Imogen Edge, Citizens Advice Redbridge (

The place is called:



