Category: ADVICE

Prepare and planNationalIdentify issuesLiving with ViolenceADVICE15-1818-25The UKSafe Environment

Brewing a research project


Peer Researchers from the Peer Action Collective worked with Ali Roy and Cath Larkins to create this guide to how to move from general research interests to a doable research project

EnglandConnect with peopleIdentify issuesEuropean15-18Roma or TravellerTake action18-25Over 25

Its Kushti to Rokker (In English Its Good to Talk) A filmmaking and education project from the perspective of young Travellers.


What advice would you give? J- “I feel so proud of what I’ve created and to have had the opportunity to tell my story to support …

Prepare and planADVICEInvestigateInternational

Doing Peer Research in a trauma informed way


Camille Warrington talks about how to take a trauma informed approach to collaborative research with and by young people

EnglandCare ExperiencedLocalHealth and WellbeingConnect with peopleLiving in PovertyBetter awarenessNationalLiving with Violence13-15EducationRoma or Traveller15-1818-25Take actionBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicEuropeAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerParticipation for ChangeDisabledEqualityContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQILeisure

Stories 2 Connect


Stories 2 Connect was a research project that we ran to find out people’s stories. We did lots of interviews with people. We added people’s stories together as fiction. And we made them come alive in a phygital way (in digital objects). See

LocalCare ExperiencedLiving in PovertyBetter serviceIMPACTIdentify issues15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicYoung CarerDisabled

Youth Innovation Project Lead


What did we do

I run a Youth Innnovation Project at Citizens Advice Redbridge, which aims to increase access to advice for young people (particularly those who are vulnerable) in Redbridge.

Contact: Imogen Edge, Citizens Advice Redbridge (

The place is called:





Prepare and plan8-12ADVICEEuropeanRoma or TravellerEurope

RoMOMatteR – Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice


Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. Strategies should address the roots of vulnerability both in Roma communities and mainstream society. We highlight the significant …

OtherEnglandCare ExperiencedLiving in PovertyConnect with people8-12Living with ViolenceRegional13-15ADVICE15-18Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic18-25Asylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQI



Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. The project is youth led, so this means a group of elected young people plan and deliver the …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandRegional13-1515-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicTake actionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. The group have a different agenda each month when they come together.  However, we have started to recognise …

Local8-1213-1515-1818-25Follow up actionOver 25

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




Local8-1213-15Take action

Children’s City Council Opatija


What did we do

The aims of our project:
• Establishing a relationship of mutual respect, listening and communication between children and the City.
• Developing awareness of the City as a community of all citizens.
• Recognition of rights to all groups of citizens.
• Enabling children to exercise their right to express their opinions.
• Training children to make decisions for themselves and others.
• Developing responsibility for children for decisions they make.

In October 2001, the first meeting of the Coordination Board of the “Children City Council” project was held at the premises of the Administrative Department for Self-Government and City Administration of Opatija.
Children from Children City Council Opatija since 2001 participate in the development of local and national strategies for children.
In its work, the standards of the Children’s City Council of the City of Opatija are governed by:
1. The Children’s City Council of Opatija has it’s own Statute,
2. The sessions of Children’s City Council Opatija are recorded,
3. Children’s City Council Opatija gives it’s proposals for a large city budget, and adults from the city after budget adoption give councilors information on which proposals have entered into the budget,
4. The Mayor and his deputies regularly participate in the sessions of Children’s City Council Opatija,
5. The mayor and his deputies shall answer the questions to the children or provide their answers in writing,
6. The little Children’s City Council Mayor of Opatija follows the big City Mayor in all protocols for children,
7. Children’s City Council Opatija has its budget in the amount of 12.000, kn (1,500 Euro), “My hands grow to you bigger, because I want to give you luck” is the name of the Call for Proposals funds from the Budget of the Children’s City Council of Opatija,
8. Children’s City Council Opatija announces the Contest for children “My Heart and Your Arms need to conquer the whole world with goodness” with the aim of promoting solidarity and humanity among children (primary and secondary school),
9. City expert services provide all the logistical support in project implementation.

Contact: Antonia Katić, Society “Our children” Opatija (

The place is called:

Opatija, Croatia


