activityLibro Blanco Influencers Responsables

What did we do

iCmedia promotes the creation of inner circles between the agents of the audiovisual sector that contribute to raise positives initiatives for everyone related with the audiovisual contents (users, producers, public and private entities and regulators): especially in favour of the childhood and the young people, and the main characters of the sector, with whom iCmedia collaborates in order to support to the daily challenge of improving the quality of the contents.

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What do you try to change?

The project we are working on has two fundamental objectives.

On the one hand, the creation of the White Book, listening to the actions that need to be carried out by all the stakeholders involved, in order to create a trustworthy ecosystem for all.

On the other hand, and very important, the dissemination and communication of the White Book to the education community for formation. These activities will be carried out during the last trimester of 2021.

  • evidence

    Tell us what you found out - what were people's experiences, views or ideas for change?

    The project we are working on from iCmedia is the creation of the White Book of Responsible Influencers. The objective is to highlight which actions could be undertaken to create a more trustworthy system for media users, and views. The age range that consumes more information elaborated by influencers are minors and young people. Therefore, we consider it very important to hear their opinion about which opportunities and threats they face when consuming influencer generated content, as well as what solutions could be implemented, so that everyone -consumers, influencers, brands, platforms – have a more trustworthy space and the rights of all are respected.

    What are your recommendations or calls to action?

    In order to be able to listen to young people we are carrying out this work with Plataforma de la Infancia, a Non-profit organization with which we have worked on other occasions. After having listened to influencers and brands, we have elaborated a questionnaire that we will work on with different minors and young people through the Focus Group methodology. We would like to involve them in the project to hear their opinions and solutions and to develop with them a strategy to best communicate to other young people the reached conclusions.
  • advice

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