Category: Follow up action

Follow up actionIMPACTBetter serviceBetter community

From Voice to Action


What did you do to try to achieve change? We delivered a report to each Shelter Home, meeting with those responsible. We delivered a global report …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyIMPACT13-15Better communityEuropean15-18Roma or TravellerEurope

Participative group with children in alternative care


What did you do to try to achieve change? We wanted to inform children about their rights through the Child Guarantee and to support them to …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedPrepare and planBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyConnect with people13-15IMPACTIdentify issuesBetter community15-18Roma or TravellerTake actionEuropeFollow up action

Participative group with children in alternative care


What advice would you give to other people running participatory projects with and for children? We would definitely encourage other organization that work with children from …