Category: Better community

Better awarenessIMPACTBetter communityRoma or TravellerEurope

Youth led campaigns in Bulgaria


What has changed? Two campaigns: “The problems of the Roma community in Blagoevgrad through the eyes of young people, presented with the Photovoice method” and “Check …

Follow up actionIMPACTBetter serviceBetter community

From Voice to Action


What did you do to try to achieve change? We delivered a report to each Shelter Home, meeting with those responsible. We delivered a global report …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyIMPACT13-15Better communityEuropean15-18Roma or TravellerEurope

Participative group with children in alternative care


What did you do to try to achieve change? We wanted to inform children about their rights through the Child Guarantee and to support them to …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedPrepare and planBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyConnect with people13-15IMPACTIdentify issuesBetter community15-18Roma or TravellerTake actionFollow up actionEurope

Participative group with children in alternative care


What advice would you give to other people running participatory projects with and for children? We would definitely encourage other organization that work with children from …

England8-12National13-15Roma or TravellerBetter community

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What has changed? The young people have started recording and sharing memories that will be captured forever. Preserving history of days gone by. evidenceWhat did you …

EnglandBetter awareness8-12Regional13-15Better communityRoma or Traveller

Youth Travellers Times Arts Award project


What has changed? Since the end of the project two of the girls have decided to go to college together. The teachers and governors of the …

Better awarenessNational8-1213-15Better community15-18Roma or Traveller18-25The UK

Youth Travellers’ Times


Young people helped create a youth media output

Regional13-15Better communityRoma or TravellerEducationEuropeParticipation for ChangeDisabled

Open Schools Programme


What impact did you want to achieve? The Open Schools programme, prepares and support the school community to gradually change the atmosphere at the school through …

EnglandBetter awarenessBetter serviceBetter communityEuropean15-18Roma or Traveller18-25Over 25

Its Kushti to Rokker (In English Its Good to Talk) A filmmaking and education project from the perspective of young Travellers.


What has changed? Young people involved are in a more empowered position to speak out and support other young people. J- “I would tell people to …

Better community15-18International18-25Over 25

YouCreate toolkit – Participatory arts-based action research for well-being and social change


What did we do

YouCreate is an initiative of Terre des hommes, and was designed and carried out in partnership with the International Institute for Child Rights and Development.

YouCreate is a PAR Project aimed to train youth leaders, with the support of Adult Allies and the ‘Art-kit’ (training manual), to lead their peers in implementing participatory arts-based research projects and ‘Art Actions’ – arts-based activities designed to address issues of significance to youth in their community.

Youth are trained to map and explore significant community issues and challenges and to collaboratively select challenges to address in their communities through design and implementation of ‘Art Actions’.

YouCreate Art-kit: The Art-kit is a guide that youth leaders can use for planning and leading activities and provides tips and tricks for supporting youthleaders work.

YouCreate Project Management Guide: designed to help project staff to understand the YouCreate project and how they can support youth and colleagues to develop a strong project.

YouCreate Capitalization Report: This report provides important background information on the current state of arts-based programming for young people impacted by migration and adversity worldwide.

Access here:

The place is called:

YouCreate has been carried out in Iraq and Egypt and is expanding to other countries and regions (Ukraine & Greece).


