Category: Education

Care SystemCare Experienced8-12EVIDENCE13-1515-18Education18-25Asylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerParticipation for Change

From Voice to Action


What did you do? We promoted assemblies for children and youth in foster homes, addressing their perceptions about the Foster Care System, school, and their emotions. …

EnglandNational8-1213-15EducationRoma or TravellerEquality

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What did you find out? We discovered a collection of BBC Radio documentaries all about Gypsy & traveller people. They were made in the 1960’s and …

EnglandNational13-15Education15-18Roma or TravellerEquality

Roads from the Past GRT Animation project


What did you find out? We found out that Gypsy Roma and Traveller History is not taught in schools and GRT History month is not celebrated. …

The bulgarian for H&WEngland8-12Regional13-15EducationRoma or TravellerParticipation for ChangeEquality

Youth Travellers Times Arts Award project


What did you find out? We worked with young Gypsies and Travellers from a site in North Worcestershire. The young people were being educated at home …

The bulgarian for H&WNational8-1213-15Independence15-18Roma or TravellerEducation18-25The UKParticipation for ChangeEqualityLeisure

Youth Travellers’ Times


Young people helped create a youth media output

Connect with peopleBetter awarenessRegional13-15Roma or TravellerEducationEuropeDisabledParticipation for Change

Open Schools Programme


Advice on children’s participation and increasing impact Create a space for children to come up with ideas Create something together so that children take ownership knowing …

Regional13-15Roma or TravellerEducationBetter communityEuropeDisabledParticipation for Change

Open Schools Programme


What impact did you want to achieve? The Open Schools programme, prepares and support the school community to gradually change the atmosphere at the school through …

Regional13-15Roma or TravellerEducationEuropeParticipation for ChangeDisabled

Open Schools Programme


What do we do? The Open Schools programme aims to promote a democratic environment in schools and citizenship education through peer education and the work of pupil school …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersThe bulgarian for H&WLiving in Poverty13-15Regional15-18EducationBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeThe EarthParticipation for ChangeEquality

Children’s Rights Day 2021


What did we do? 80 young people, divided into 6 different committees on various topics (selected by a group of youth advisors), worked together on drafting …

National13-15Education15-1818-25Over 25Safe EnvironmentParticipation for Change

activityLibro Blanco Influencers Responsables


What did we do

iCmedia promotes the creation of inner circles between the agents of the audiovisual sector that contribute to raise positives initiatives for everyone related with the audiovisual contents (users, producers, public and private entities and regulators): especially in favour of the childhood and the young people, and the main characters of the sector, with whom iCmedia collaborates in order to support to the daily challenge of improving the quality of the contents.

The place is called:





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