Category: Over 25

EnglandBetter awarenessBetter serviceBetter communityEuropean15-18Roma or Traveller18-25Over 25

Its Kushti to Rokker (In English Its Good to Talk) A filmmaking and education project from the perspective of young Travellers.


What has changed? Young people involved are in a more empowered position to speak out and support other young people. J- “I would tell people to …

EnglandConnect with peopleIdentify issuesEuropean15-18Roma or TravellerTake action18-25Over 25

Its Kushti to Rokker (In English Its Good to Talk) A filmmaking and education project from the perspective of young Travellers.


What advice would you give? J- “I feel so proud of what I’ve created and to have had the opportunity to tell my story to support …

National13-1515-1818-25Over 25

activityLibro Blanco Influencers Responsables


What did we do

iCmedia promotes the creation of inner circles between the agents of the audiovisual sector that contribute to raise positives initiatives for everyone related with the audiovisual contents (users, producers, public and private entities and regulators): especially in favour of the childhood and the young people, and the main characters of the sector, with whom iCmedia collaborates in order to support to the daily challenge of improving the quality of the contents.

The place is called:





Add other important experiences or identities


National13-15Education15-1818-25Over 25Safe EnvironmentParticipation for Change

activityLibro Blanco Influencers Responsables


What did we do

iCmedia promotes the creation of inner circles between the agents of the audiovisual sector that contribute to raise positives initiatives for everyone related with the audiovisual contents (users, producers, public and private entities and regulators): especially in favour of the childhood and the young people, and the main characters of the sector, with whom iCmedia collaborates in order to support to the daily challenge of improving the quality of the contents.

The place is called:





Add other important experiences or identities


Better awarenessNational13-1515-1818-25Over 25

activityLibro Blanco Influencers Responsables


What did we do

iCmedia promotes the creation of inner circles between the agents of the audiovisual sector that contribute to raise positives initiatives for everyone related with the audiovisual contents (users, producers, public and private entities and regulators): especially in favour of the childhood and the young people, and the main characters of the sector, with whom iCmedia collaborates in order to support to the daily challenge of improving the quality of the contents.

The place is called:





Add other important experiences or identities


The bulgarian for H&WEnglandEVIDENCERegional15-18Roma or Traveller18-25Over 25Contact with Criminal Justice

Its Kushti to Rokker (In English Its Good to Talk) A filmmaking and education project from the perspective of young Travellers.


What did you find out? High levels of discrimination and educational exclusion can place young Gypsies and Travellers’ at a higher risk of experiencing poor mental …

LocalBetter awareness8-1213-1515-1818-25Over 25

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




LocalThe bulgarian for H&W8-1213-1515-18Education18-25Over 25Participation for ChangeOther

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




Local8-1213-1515-1818-25Over 25Follow up action

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




Better community15-18International18-25Over 25

YouCreate toolkit – Participatory arts-based action research for well-being and social change


What did we do

YouCreate is an initiative of Terre des hommes, and was designed and carried out in partnership with the International Institute for Child Rights and Development.

YouCreate is a PAR Project aimed to train youth leaders, with the support of Adult Allies and the ‘Art-kit’ (training manual), to lead their peers in implementing participatory arts-based research projects and ‘Art Actions’ – arts-based activities designed to address issues of significance to youth in their community.

Youth are trained to map and explore significant community issues and challenges and to collaboratively select challenges to address in their communities through design and implementation of ‘Art Actions’.

YouCreate Art-kit: The Art-kit is a guide that youth leaders can use for planning and leading activities and provides tips and tricks for supporting youthleaders work.

YouCreate Project Management Guide: designed to help project staff to understand the YouCreate project and how they can support youth and colleagues to develop a strong project.

YouCreate Capitalization Report: This report provides important background information on the current state of arts-based programming for young people impacted by migration and adversity worldwide.

Access here:

The place is called:

YouCreate has been carried out in Iraq and Egypt and is expanding to other countries and regions (Ukraine & Greece).


