Category: 13-15

OtherEnglandCare Experienced8-12Living in PovertyConnect with peopleRegional13-15Living with Violence15-18ADVICE18-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQI



Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. The project is youth led, so this means a group of elected young people plan and deliver the …

OtherEnglandCare Experienced8-12Living in PovertyEVIDENCERegional13-15Living with Violence15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQIOther



What do we do? For over 10 years we have brought young people together from across the North West of England to meet, discuss youth led …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandBetter serviceRegional13-1515-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


What did you do to try to achieve change? The young people through ‘the police in school debate’, have changed how the policy will be implemented …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandRegional13-1515-18Take action18-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. The group have a different agenda each month when they come together.  However, we have started to recognise …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandEVIDENCERegional13-1515-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationParticipation for ChangeDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


What do we do? We are called Youth Focus Northwest.  We bring together 42 youth organisations from across Greater Manchester, in the North of England to …

LocalBetter awareness8-1213-1515-1818-25Over 25

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




LocalThe bulgarian for H&W8-1213-15Education15-1818-25Over 25Participation for ChangeOther

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




Local8-1213-1515-1818-25Follow up actionOver 25

Forum – Rights of Children and Youth


What did we do

This event took place in 2019 and 2020 in different formats, due the context that we are living (COVID-19 pandemic). In both years several initiatives took place in order to raise awareness and increase the commitment of different stakeholders such as schools, municipality, civic society organizations (CSO) to promote participation of children and young people in the life of the community as an essential element for the exercise of citizenship and for the development of a sense of belonging.
Specialists, educators, municipality officers from various areas of intervention were involved, and together with the children and youth of Cascais, created spaces for dialogue, reflection and analysis of their rights, needs and interests. -2019 – 2019 – 2020

Contact: Carolina Loureiro, DYPALL Network (

The place is called:

Cascais; Portugal




Better awareness8-1213-1515-18International

#CovidUnder19: An initiative to meaningfully involve children in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic


What did we do

How do children experience the pandemic, from one end of the world to the other? To find out, Terre des hommes, in collaboration with the UN and around 30 organisations, as well as children and young people, created the #CovidUnder19 initiative and launched an international survey. The results of the survey reveal the opinions of children and young people, so that their voices can be taken into account by decision-makers.

CovidUnder19: Technical annex:

#CovidUnder19: Life Under Coronavirus – results of the survey:





#CovidUnder19: An initiative to meaningfully involve children in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic


What did we do

How do children experience the pandemic, from one end of the world to the other? To find out, Terre des hommes, in collaboration with the UN and around 30 organisations, as well as children and young people, created the #CovidUnder19 initiative and launched an international survey. The results of the survey reveal the opinions of children and young people, so that their voices can be taken into account by decision-makers.

CovidUnder19: Technical annex:

#CovidUnder19: Life Under Coronavirus – results of the survey:


