Rights 4U live-in

What did we do

Every summer the Office of the Commissioner for children organises a three-day live-in for young people between the ages of 13 and 15 entitled Rights 4U. Through these three-day live-ins, young people participate in various activities. The aim of these programmes is to create more awareness about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how it applies to the use of the new digital technologies. These participants come from different State, Church and Independent Schools.

This interactive programme addresses various issues such as online privacy, cyber-bullying, hate speech and creating an online/offline balance.Throughout the three days, the participants will also develop critical thinking skills and build social ties based on mutual respect.

Contact: Suzanne Garcia Imbernon, Office of the Commissioner for Children, Malta (suzanne.gili@gov.mt)

The place is called:

Malta and Gozo




Add other important experiences or identities

This initiative is promoted in all schools and therefore all children are encouraged to apply. However the Office specifically encourages children living in vulnerable situations to participate.


What do you try to change?

These live-ins serve as an opportunity for young people to highlight any issues or challenges being faced so as to inform the Office. The Office is part of the Maltese Safer Internet Centre therefore the young participants shape the work carried out by the Safer Internet Centre.

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